"Egyptology Resources" website is moving home

"Egyptology Resources" website is moving home

From Nigel Strudwick:

Egyptology Resources is changing server!

This site is now moving to a new server at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge.

References to Egyptology Resources at should now be changed to http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/er/

References to the TT99 web site at should be changed to http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/tt99/.

Please update your bookmarks! Notes on the background to the change will be found at .

Readers should note particularly that the format of the email list has changed, and this will now be found at http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/er/email/index.htm. The format has changed to a query search, partly to make it easier to find someone, and partly to make it harder for the list to be used for spam.

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