Email addresses of Egyptologists

Email addresses of Egyptologists
Updated in May 2005, this is a list of Egyptologists' email addresses presented on Egyptologist Nigel Strudwick's innovative website. See the webpage above for details of how the listing has been compiled.

- Change Of Email Address
I have been avoiding changing my email address for a long time, because I have had my Easynet address ever since I first got an Internet account back in the dim and distance and unimaginable past. But the recent dismal service from Easynet, and the lack...

- Blog Updates - Tuesday To Saturday
I am going up to north Wales for few days - I am off on Tuesday morning this week (the 12th) and will be back on Saturday 16th. As I still haven't managed to recruit a willing victim to babysit this monster during my absences the blog will not be...

- Nigel Strudwick's New Blog/image Sharing Page
Egyptology Resources Egyptologist Nigel Strudwick has created a new Personal Egypt Resources page on his Egyptology Resources website to list web log and photo sharing addresses with Egyptological themes. If you know of any that may be of interest to...

- Request For Information: Grenoble 2004
If anyone knows of a website which lists the programme for the Ninth International Egyptologists Conference, which was held in Grenoble in 2004, please could you email me? I've had a hunt around the web without success. I can get hold of hard copies...

- Museum Books New Titles The latest newsletter from Museum Books has just hit my inbox. Museum Books sell both new and second hand books via the web, post or telephone, internationally: "After the summer break, List 15 includes a final selection...

