Blog Updates - Tuesday to Saturday
I am going up to north Wales for few days - I am off on Tuesday morning this week (the 12th) and will be back on Saturday 16th. As I still haven't managed to recruit a willing victim to babysit this monster during my absences the blog will not be updated until Sunday 17th, when I will backdate the entries as usual (with thanks in advance to Kat and Chris).I will still be on the usual email addresses if anyone needs me.
By the way, please don't use the gmail email address shown on this blog to contact me - I never remember to check it and was horrified to find emails of a somewhat ancient date lurking in there when I looked at it yesterday. I would prevent it from being displayed on the blog but so far a way of deleting/changing it has eluded me (let me know if you have the solution!). It was a requirement to acquire a gmail address when Blogger became part of the Google world, and the wretched thing has been sitting in my nav bar ever since.
All the best
Kat's Back
Just to let everyone know that Kat is absolutely fine. She got in touch earlier today to confirm that she is well, that the reason for falling out of touch is that her computer went into complete meltdown and had to be sent away for repair and that her...
Change Of Email Address
I have been avoiding changing my email address for a long time, because I have had my Easynet address ever since I first got an Internet account back in the dim and distance and unimaginable past. But the recent dismal service from Easynet, and the lack...
Photo For Today - Off Topic And Pure Self Indulgence - Last Lot From Lyon
I am back up in north Wales after the dentist was unable to do any work on my wretched tooth due the pain it is still giving me - so I've got another dental appointment for two weeks time, by which time the thing should have settled down. I was very...
Blog Updates Until Early/mid January
I'm off to my mountain retreat tomorrow with my father. This now has a landline phone but no broadband so I will be picking up emails but having very little time on the web. I have changed my Blogger settings so that I can email stories in to the...
Blog Update
I'm back in the land of the living, although it feels as though I have been away for two months rather than two weeks. I will be working to backdate the blog over the next few days. I have literally hundreds of emails to work through, so please bear...