Change of email address

Change of email address

I have been avoiding changing my email address for a long time, because I have had my Easynet address ever since I first got an Internet account back in the dim and distance and unimaginable past. But the recent dismal service from Easynet, and the lack of control over the settings, has led me to change my address. I suppose it was time to get a new set of business cards printed anyway.

For those of you who use my Easynet address please note that it will only be live for a few more weeks. I have two new addresses, either of which will work. Just save whichever is easiest to remember:

andrea @
andie @


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- Blog Note
Thanks to everyone who emails me. Just to let you guys know that my Easynet address isn't working at the moment, so if you want to get hold of me please email me at: [email protected] Thanks! AndieEgyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

