Blog Update

Blog Update

I'm back in the land of the living, although it feels as though I have been away for two months rather than two weeks. I will be working to backdate the blog over the next few days. I have literally hundreds of emails to work through, so please bear with me as usual!

A special mention to Maged, Mostafa, Tareq, Nasr#1, Nasr#2, Helen, Chris R, Jo, Chris E, Bev, Oliver, Jean, Jane and wonderful Murad, with my love.

Terrific thanks as usual to Kat Newkirk and Chris Townsend - even the briefest glimpse at my emails tells me that you have been updating me in my absence. I'd be lost without you!

See both below and above for updates - with more to come, which will be posted with blue text so that you can see which ones are new.

All the best


- Blog Updates - Tuesday To Saturday
I am going up to north Wales for few days - I am off on Tuesday morning this week (the 12th) and will be back on Saturday 16th. As I still haven't managed to recruit a willing victim to babysit this monster during my absences the blog will not be...

- Blog Update
Hello to all Thanks very much indeed for the comments, emails etc - all much appreciated! I've updated the blog back until the 21st December (they start after the last "Blog Update" which is easy to find by looking for my over-the-top Christmas tree...

- Blog Updates
Good morning to all Life is back to normal and I am reuninted with my computer - I have backdated the blog to include older news items, and daily updates will be resumed! Thanks to all for bearing with me. Huge thanks as usual to Kat Newkirk and Chris...

- Blog Update
Hi to all As I posted yesterday, I'm back in the UK after a terrific week away with some really great people, visiting some parts of Egypt that I have never been lucky enough to experience before. I will post the photographs online when I have finished...

- Correction: Eternal Egypt At Science Week, Thailand Many thanks to Chris Townsend, my much-appreciated and newly designated "Official Nitpicker". As Chris points out, although the exhibit noted above, and posted about yesterday, has a lot of items originating in Japan, the Impact...

