100 years of Hungarian excavation in Egypt

100 years of Hungarian excavation in Egypt

Egypt Daily Star News

Hungarian Culture and Education Minister Hiller Istvan is to arrive in Cairo on a three-day visit Friday.

During the visit, Istvan will sign an executive protocol with his Egyptian counterpart on cultural, scientific, and educational cooperation between the two countries, Hungarian Ambassador in Cairo Peto Tibor told Daily News Egypt. . . .

The visit also marks 100 years of Hungarian monument excavations in Egypt, the ambassador said, noting that Budapest is interested in celebrating the event as well as organizing an exhibition in Hungary on Islamic and Pharaonic culture.

Hungary gives a priority to its cultural cooperation with Egypt, which hosts the only Hungarian Cultural Center in Africa,” the ambassador said.

Istvan is to open the renovation works of the Hungarian Cultural Center in Abdeen Street, Downtown Cairo. He will also attend a show by Hungarian artists at the Opera House on Saturday.

See the above for more details about the purpose of the visit

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- A Century In Egypt
Very good article on the contributions of Hungarian expeditions in Egypt over the last century....

