13th Dynasty Mummy Found in Thebes

13th Dynasty Mummy Found in Thebes

"Buried for nearly 3600 years, a rare statue of Egypt's King Neferhotep I has been brought to light in the ruins of Thebes by a team of French archaeologists. Officials said on Saturday that the statue was unusual in that the king is depicted holding hands with a double of himself, although the second part of the carving remains under the sand and its form has been determined by the use of imaging equipment".
See the article for more, plus a photograph.
A better photo is at:

- Parts Of Amenhotep Iii’s Double Statue Uncovered In Luxor
drhawass.com Press release. With photograph of 2 fragments. Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosny announced today that six missing pieces from the colossal double statue of the 18th Dynasty King Amenhotep III and his wife Queen Tiye, have been discovered...

- Wooden Double Statue Found In Saqqara
http://tinyurl.com/2m8u64 (today.reuters.co.uk)It has been a good month for Saqqara, one way or another:"A rare double wooden statue of an ancient Egyptian scribe and his wife has been found in their tomb south of Cairo, Egypt's chief archaeologist...

- Neferhotep Statue - Update
http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/Story.asp?Article=113877&Sn=WORL&IssueID=28077 Zahi Hawass was quoted saying that it was unclear whether the statue belonged to King Neferhotep I or Neferhotep III. There's also a photo. Egyptology News Blog, Andie...

- More On The Dashur Mummy
http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/C9350D7E-3059-4F69-9DB0-0A276B5757AC.htm There are no more details, but this page does contain a photograph of the mummy casing, showing the face and the vivid colouring. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- More On Khafre Opening
http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/92E49EBE-6004-4983-A776-638487A1A5BD.htm "Khafre, the second-largest of the three Great Pyramids at Giza, outside Cairo, is to reopen on Saturday after being closed for nearly two years for repairs and restoration. ...

