More on the Dashur Mummy

More on the Dashur Mummy
There are no more details, but this page does contain a photograph of the mummy casing, showing the face and the vivid colouring.

- The Black Pyramid There's a good aeriel photograph of the Black Pyramid of Amenemhat III at Dashur on the above address. Here's the caption: Aerial view of the pyramid of Amenemhat III at Dashur. Called the Black Pyramid because of its dark color,...

- Tv: Temples Of Doom It sounds like an Indiana Jones movie, but in fact this is the title of an article recommended by Jane Akshar (Luxor News Blog) who has seen it and in fact appears on it!...

- Grand Museum Of Egypt "The unveiling on Wednesday was the latest step in the government's ambitious $500 million project for the Grand Museum of Egypt, which is intended to gather in one spot...

- 13th Dynasty Mummy Found In Thebes "Buried for nearly 3600 years, a rare statue of Egypt's King Neferhotep I has been brought to light in the ruins of Thebes by a team of French archaeologists. Officials...

- More On Khafre Opening "Khafre, the second-largest of the three Great Pyramids at Giza, outside Cairo, is to reopen on Saturday after being closed for nearly two years for repairs and restoration. ...

