TV: Temples of Doom

TV: Temples of Doom
It sounds like an Indiana Jones movie, but in fact this is the title of an article recommended by Jane Akshar (Luxor News Blog) who has seen it and in fact appears on it! It deals with the damage to temples in Egypt caused by rising ground water, and looks at some of the work being done to combat the problem. It is showing on Al Jazeera at the moment, in their English language slot. It is good to see the subject being taken up and publicized in this way.

- The Destruction Of Luxor's Heritage Akshar, Luxor resident and writer of the Tour Egypt website's Luxor Blog, has written an article highlighting the damage caused by water and tourism to Luxor monuments: "This is not a new...

- Grand Museum Of Egypt "The unveiling on Wednesday was the latest step in the government's ambitious $500 million project for the Grand Museum of Egypt, which is intended to gather in one spot...

- More On The Dashur Mummy There are no more details, but this page does contain a photograph of the mummy casing, showing the face and the vivid colouring. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- More On Khafre Opening "Khafre, the second-largest of the three Great Pyramids at Giza, outside Cairo, is to reopen on Saturday after being closed for nearly two years for repairs and restoration. ...

- Egyptian Antiquity Thief Gets 35 Years "The ringleader of an Egyptian antiquities smuggling ring that shipped at least 300 pharaonic and other artefacts to Europe has been sentenced to 35 years in prison." From...

