Neferhotep Statue - Update

Neferhotep Statue - Update
Zahi Hawass was quoted saying that it was unclear whether the statue belonged to King Neferhotep I or Neferhotep III. There's also a photo.

- More Re French Excavations At Karnak
Le Monde (Pierre Barthélémy) A relatively short piece saying that Zahi Hawass has extended the rights of the Franco-Egyptian Centre for the Study of the Temples of Karnak (CFEETK) to carry on excavating at Karnak, following forty years of excavation...

- The Tomb Of Neferhotep
Another item courtesy of EEF:"Desde 1999 un grupo de egiptólogos argentinos . . . trabaja en Luxor, en la tumba perteneciente a Neferhotep, un funcionario muy importante en la época del rey que sucedió...

- Laser Cleaning Tomb Of Neferhotep"If only Neferhotep could see it: 3 300 years after his death, a researcher enters his tomb, directs a beam of light at the wall, and the accumulated dirt of millennia comes off with no trouble at all! Dr. Michael...

- 13th Dynasty Mummy Found In Thebes "Buried for nearly 3600 years, a rare statue of Egypt's King Neferhotep I has been brought to light in the ruins of Thebes by a team of French archaeologists. Officials...

- The Mystery Of Neferhotep
I recently came across this series of videos on the Theban tomb of Neferhotep. The videos cover a large amount of restoration and discoveries in the tomb and is a good view. Fascinating!...

