7th Egyptological Tempeltagung, Leuven.

7th Egyptological Tempeltagung, Leuven.

The following announcement has been made by Tempeltagung organizers at Leuven:

Dear Colleagues,
From September 28 until October 1, the 7th Egyptological Tempeltagung will be organized in Leuven. This year's topic is "Structuring Religion". You will find the program of the conference and the abstracts on our website .
We ask you to distribute it as much as possible to your colleagues and students.
Because of the organisation of our visit to the Egyptian temple in the Antwerp Zoo on Friday afternoon, we insist that you announce your presence either with the form you can find on our website or by sending an email with the corresponding information to
[email protected] .
For further information, please consult our website:

Yours sincerely,
Harco Willems - René Preys

René Preys
KULeuven - Letteren
Blijde Inkomststraat 21
3000 Leuven
+ 32 16 32 49 64
[email protected]

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