Deir al-Bersha 2004 Season

Deir al-Bersha 2004 Season
The Deir al-Bersha website has been updated with details of its 2004 season focusing on Zones 2, 4, 7 and 9. Details of both the 2002 and 3003 seasons are also posted on the site, and there is a good overall introduction about this fascinating multi-period area which includes a number of different types of site including tombs and quarries. There are some super panoramic photographs at

- Breaking News: New Tomb Discovered At Deir El-bersha Many thanks (and congratulations!) to Marleen De Meyer from the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, for forwarding me the above link to details of their new discovery: "A team from the Katholieke Universiteit...

- 7th Egyptological Tempeltagung, Leuven. following announcement has been made by Tempeltagung organizers at Leuven: Dear Colleagues, From September 28 until October 1, the 7th Egyptological Tempeltagung will be organized in Leuven. This year's topic is...

- Faiyum Neolithic Granaries
I'm like a dog with a bone on this particular subject, I know, but my last word on the granaries until the end of January. Willeke Wendrich (heading the UCLA project in the Faiyum) has said that the team's website will be updated at the end of...

- 7th Tempeltagung In Belgium This Year From the Leuven website: "Leuven for the 7 th Egyptological Tempeltagung. The theme of this year’s reunion concentrates on the relation between architectural practice and theological...

- Excavation Findings At Deir Al-bersha In Middle Egypt A mission from the University of Leuven has been excavating at this site, and has found a multi-period occupation. "The mission is primarily concerned with an area that has been largely unexcavated, and which...

