ADDED Golf Course Planned with views of Pyramids

ADDED Golf Course Planned with views of Pyramids
"Thomson Perrett & Lobb, an international golf course architecture firm founded by five-time British Open champion Peter Thomson, with partners Ross Perrett and Tim Lobb, has won the contract to design a dramatic desert course perched on hills above Egypt's ancient Pyramids.New Giza, a massive 600-hectare site just 20km from Cairo, will be a landmark development for Egypt. It will combine luxury residential areas, a five-star hotel, restaurants, shopping, spa, sporting facilities, parks - and a high-end golf course.Set on jagged desert hills and utilizing a deep cut quarry with sheer cliffs, the course at New Giza may become one of the most spectacular in the Middle East."
See the above page for the full story.

- Illegal Road On Antiquities Land Near Abusir
Cairo/Giza Daily Photo (Maryanne Stroud Gabbani) Maryanne follows this story with the better news that he local families met the other night and told the members who built the road that they could not quarry in this area, but it still makes one wonder...

- Luxor's Holiday Temples Of Boom
Times Online (Karen Robinson) Apart from the opening paragraphs about the redevelopment of Luxor this article is about property development and is essentially off-topic, but my friend Jane Akshar gets a mention so I had to include it :-) If you want...

- Heritage Management / Tourism: Clearing Minefields Of El Alamein
Scotsman THE second Battle of El Alamein was a turning point in the Second World War. Montgomery's Desert Rats and the Allied Eighth Army broke through German lines, pushing Rommel's forces back to Tunisia and ending the Axis powers' designs...

- Urbanization Threatens Pyramids (Brian Norman) There have been several features about this subject over the years, but it never hurts to be reminded. The Pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza are the most recognized objects in Egypt and attract millions of tourists each...

- Travel: Golf And Monuments golfing holiday to Cairo with some day trips included as optional extras, including all of Luxor in eight hours, after a 3.30am start in Cairo: "Ah yes, you're here for golf, but Luxor...

