Travel: Golf and monuments

Travel: Golf and monuments
A golfing holiday to Cairo with some day trips included as optional extras, including all of Luxor in eight hours, after a 3.30am start in Cairo: "Ah yes, you're here for golf, but Luxor pushed it totally out of mind. This trip is an optional extra but is something that should not be missed. And you don't have to be an archaeological nut to enjoy it."
See the above for a review of golf courses, with some day trips thrown in.

- Nile Cruises From Cairo To Luxor? The article on this URL will expire shortly I do wish that the Egyptian Gazette would archive its articles. Here goes with the latest from reporter Salah Attia, but it was too long to reproduce in full, so have...

- Travel: 10 Things I Learned In Egypt author, Katherine Dillinger, provides her top 10 tips for going on holiday to Egypt. she starts of the the "10th circle of hell" (Frankfurt airport in Germany), gives a...

- Added Golf Course Planned With Views Of Pyramids"Thomson Perrett & Lobb, an international golf course architecture firm founded by five-time British Open champion Peter Thomson, with partners Ross Perrett and Tim Lobb, has won the contract to design...

- Desert Day Trips"A travel article on the Tour Egypt website about traveling in comfort in the oases of the Western Desert of Egypt: "You don’t have to be a diehard camper to enjoy the beauty of Egypt’s Western...

- World Of The Pharaohs A travel article looking at Luxor and Cairo: "There's nothing like absorbing history hands-on. That's why I am enduring, er -- enjoying -- 100-degree-plus July heat, a daily dust...

