Ancient Egypt Magazine June/July 2007

Ancient Egypt Magazine June/July 2007
Thanks to Bob Partridge for letting me know that the latest issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine is now out (June/July 2007). An electronic version is also available.

The Dakhleh Oasis Project: A series of articles on work in the Dakhleh Oasis. Jennifer Smith looks at the evidence for climate and landscape change in the oasis, which can enable past environments to be reconstructed.
The Ancient Stones Speak: Pam Scott’s last article in the practical guide on how to read hieroglyphs series, looks at ancient funerary texts.
Cairo 100 years ago: AE looks at the Cairo of the late nineteenth century and into the last century, and at buildings which remain and some which have now been lost.
The Royal Wives of Akhmim: Anton Mifsud and Marta Farrugia look at how a small town in Middle Egypt, produced some of the greatest Royal Wives of the Pharaohs of the New Kingdom, including Queen Tiye and Nefertiti.
A Woman of Old Akhmim: A look at a special project to investigate scientifically a mummy from Akhmim.
A visit to Serabit el-Khadim in the Sinai Peninsula: Stewart White takes readers on a visit to this fascinating and remote site, which is sacred to the goddess Hathor.

Plus an increased number of pages for our News from Egypt, with reports on a number of significant discoveries including the uncovering of new tombs, wooden statues and coffins at the ancient site of Saqqara. And all our regular features, book reviews and news of Egyptological meetings and events around the country and a list of the many Egyptology societies in the UK and abroad.

Book reviews in this issue.

The Art of David Roberts, published by White Star.
The Realm of the Pharaohs, by Zahi Hawass.
Egypt in Miniature, Volume One, the Chapel of Kagemni – Scene Details, by Yvonne Harpur and Paolo Scremin.
The Mummy’s Curse: Mummymania in the English-Speaking World, by Jasmine Day.
The Great Pyramid: Ancient Egypt Revisited, by John Romer.
Wondrous Curiosities: Ancient Egypt at the British Museum, by Stephanie Moser

From the October issue, there will be a number of articles related to the forthcoming Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs Exhibition coming to London and also a free disc on Tutankhamun and his tomb.

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