

A complete technical breakdown in the wilds of rural north Wales, and I found myself without an Internet connection for four days - so apologies that the blog has not been updated since last week. I will update it today with news items from the last few days. I am now back in London with my adored broadband connection and I won't be going anywhere for several weeks. Hopefully, when I do go away again, my laptop will once again be on speaking terms with a phone line. Now where did I put that screwdriver?

Apologies again for the news void.


- Photo For Today - Medinet Habu
Apologies for the late post, nearly a week after my previous one. I've been running around like a headless chicken for the last few days, partly with the launch of Egyptological and partly with making preparations for coming up to Wales for a couple...

- Blog Update
Regular visitors will have spotted that I failed to update the blog either yesteday or this morning. I am having technical difficulties with a dial-up connection in Wales, for which my apologies. I will be back in London on Monday and will update the...

- Blog Updates
See below for today's postings. As from today, Saturday 15th, I will be off for a week without an Internet connection again, for the very last time in the forseeable future, unless I am lucky enough to piggy-back off someone else's wireless connection....

- Christmas Postings #2
Apologies for the fact that the blog has been idle for a week. I have been unable to get hold of an Internet connection for days, but things are back up and running for now - at least for the time being. I have backdated the blog with items that I have...

- Back To The Blog
Hi to all Apologies for the very intermittent postings over the last few days. I was in north Wales where I managed to get a wireless connection, but it came and went more or less at random, and was exceedingly slow. I am now back in London, and will...

