Blog updates

Blog updates

See below for today's postings.
As from today, Saturday 15th, I will be off for a week without an Internet connection again, for the very last time in the forseeable future, unless I am lucky enough to piggy-back off someone else's wireless connection. There is no landline in the house, and Internet cafes are not a feature of this particular section of Welsh landscape :-)
I'll update the blog when I return in a week's time, on the Sunday or Monday. I'm just crossing my fingers that nothing exciting happens while I'm away! Do keep an eye out for the KV63 website, because they may update it with the new photos that have been promised:
Apologies for falling off the face of the world for the second time in the space of a few weeks!


- Blog Updates
I am off to Wales for a few days as from today (as you can see from the picture, just about as unlike Egypt as possible!), but I will be back by the end of the week. Depending on how I get on with the dial-up connection when I get there (it is usually...

- Blog Updates
Apologies for the late posting of the weekend's news - I had to go away unexpectedly. At the same time, my Internet access is going to be interrupted from Wednesday this week, through to Tuesday next week, and it may be impossible to update the site...

- Christmas Postings
See today's postings below, as usual. As from today, Friday 16th, I am all over the place until after Christmas, so apologies in advance if things become very intermittent for the next two weeks - I'm not sure what sort of Internet connections...

- Apologies!
I've spent the past week half way up a Welsh mountain with no landline connection. I'm back now and I've updated the blog for the past week, posting items with the date showing for when they were actually announced. I may have missed a few...

- Apologies!!
A complete technical breakdown in the wilds of rural north Wales, and I found myself without an Internet connection for four days - so apologies that the blog has not been updated since last week. I will update it today with news items from the last few...

