Blog Updates

Blog Updates

I am off to Wales for a few days as from today (as you can see from the picture, just about as unlike Egypt as possible!), but I will be back by the end of the week.

Depending on how I get on with the dial-up connection when I get there (it is usually unusably slow) I may or may not be updating the blog. If I don't update it on a daily basis I will update it retrospectively on my return.

If I do manage to update the blog, there will be no "Daily Photo" because my notebook computer is in for repair at the mo, having been dropped on its head in Poland, and it is much too much like hard work to burn the necessary photos onto DVD to take with me! The Daily Photos will resume on my return.

All the best

- Andie Update
As the blog is being maintained very efficiently by Ben this is not so much of a "blog update" as an Andie update! Hopefully I will be able to stop imposing so much on Ben in the next few weeks and start posting again so that he can use his valuable time...

- Blog Update - Christmas Break
Hello to All As of tomorrow I'm off up to North Wales for Christmas with my family. I make no promises about blog updates. I do have dial-up access, but it is painfully slow and I don't think that I'll endear myself to my family if I vanish...

- Blog Update
It is so very typical that the KV63 website should have been updated whilst I was in Wales. I have checked it every day since the last update, and it really is one of those laws of life that new photos were added whilst I was away. Anyway, I'm back...

- Blog Update
Regular visitors will have spotted that I failed to update the blog either yesteday or this morning. I am having technical difficulties with a dial-up connection in Wales, for which my apologies. I will be back in London on Monday and will update the...

- Blog Updates
See below for today's postings. As from today, Saturday 15th, I will be off for a week without an Internet connection again, for the very last time in the forseeable future, unless I am lucky enough to piggy-back off someone else's wireless connection....

