Appointment of Chris Naunton as the next Director of the EES.

Appointment of Chris Naunton as the next Director of the EES.

Egypt Exploration Society

Sincere congratulations and good wishes to Chris Naunton:

We are pleased to announce that the current Deputy Director, Chris Naunton, has been appointed to succeed Dr Patricia Spencer as Director of the Egypt Exploration Society.

The selection panel, comprising four Trustees and an external independent from the charity sector, met on Monday 24 October and interviewed the four short-listed candidates from an international field. Each of the candidates gave a short Powerpoint presentation on their vision for the future of the Society and was then interviewed by the panel. We were very pleased that the post attracted such a wide range of strong applicants from several countries and impressed by the quality of their presentations, but, having carefully considered and weighed the evidence put forward during the interviews, the panel concluded that Chris’s combination of skills and experience placed him comfortably at the head of the field.

See the above page for more details.

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