Dr Patricia Spencer retires from EES

Dr Patricia Spencer retires from EES

Egypt Exploration Society (Patrica Spencer)

Dear Members,

At the end of 2011 I shall be retiring as Director of the Egypt Exploration Society, a post which I have been honoured to hold for 28 years - though with a succession of different job titles!

The Society’s Trustees have taken the opportunity afforded by my retirement and the departure in August of our Development Director, Victoria Perry (to be Chief Executive of a charity closer to her home in Worcestershire), to review the job description for the incoming Director and to include within it a development role. To create the necessary time and capacity for this within the Director post, the Trustees have agreed that I should retain my current ‘publications’ responsibilities and continue to work for the Society as a part-time ‘General Editor’, for one year in the first instance. I am very pleased that my employment with the Society will be continuing after my retirement as Director and am delighted that, as part of my new job, I shall be able to continue editing and producing Egyptian Archaeology.

The Society will shortly be advertising for my successor as Director and it is hoped that the appointment will be made by the end of October, with the new Director starting work in January 2012.

Best wishes,

Dr Patricia Spencer
The Egypt Exploration Society

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