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Back online

Life is getting back to normal, and I have updated the blog with backdated articles - sorry it has been so long, and there is probably still more to come when I have finished trawling through everything.

Thanks so much to the following for helping out HUGELY by emailing news updates whilst I was away:

All the very best, with a big belated New Year hug to everyone

- Blog Update
It is always my worst blogging nightmare that I will go away for a few days and that after weeks of relative silence from the world of Egyptology something major will erupt. I could have wept when I came back to my Inbox yesterday! However, it is great...

- Blog Updates
Good morning to all Life is back to normal and I am reuninted with my computer - I have backdated the blog to include older news items, and daily updates will be resumed! Thanks to all for bearing with me. Huge thanks as usual to Kat Newkirk and Chris...

- Blog Update
It is so very typical that the KV63 website should have been updated whilst I was in Wales. I have checked it every day since the last update, and it really is one of those laws of life that new photos were added whilst I was away. Anyway, I'm back...

- Blog Glitches
Apologies to anyone who experienced problems using the blog over the last 15 minutes or so - I was having difficulties publishing articles, and this caused some odd things to appear on the blog on a couple of occasions. All seems to be back to normal,...

- Travellers In Egypt Website - Status Update The Travellers in Egypt website has not been updated for a month due to the absense of its owner who has been a way for a spell. However, Marco is now back and will be posting new updates to the site in the near future...

