Blog Update

Blog Update

It is always my worst blogging nightmare that I will go away for a few days and that after weeks of relative silence from the world of Egyptology something major will erupt. I could have wept when I came back to my Inbox yesterday!

However, it is great that there is some real news to impart, together with the usual articles and general updates. Where an article supersedes earlier ones with both the same and additional information I have only posted the detailed version, in order to minimize duplication. You will find them all backdated below, starting with the post that appears after the most recent set of photographs to be posted - photos of the Faiyum Neolithic.

There will be more updates from the last few days tomorrow, I suspect, but I'll just add them to tomorrow's news posts.

Thanks to Kat Newkirk, Chris Townsend, David Petersen and Vincent Brown for their help - as ever they have made updating the blog after an absence an almost painless experience.

Kat - I left London in the fog, and arrived at Wales in full, glorious sunshine! The weather held whilst I was there, and it was exceptionally beautiful. Even London, today, is all blue skies and bright sun. So I've stopped complaining :-)

- Blog Update
Thanks almost exclusively to Kat Newkirk I have made a start at updating the blog with the main news items that appeared whilst I was away (see below). There are many other emails to be read and I have not yet checked my other Inboxes, so there may be...

- Egyptology Blog - Updates And 4th Birthday
I will be away from an Internet connection as from today for the next two weeks, so the blog will not be updated. My apologies, but I will backdate the blog as usual on my return. Hopefully nothing astounding happens in my absence! At the same time,...

- Blog Update
Hello to all Thanks very much indeed for the comments, emails etc - all much appreciated! I've updated the blog back until the 21st December (they start after the last "Blog Update" which is easy to find by looking for my over-the-top Christmas tree...

- Blog Update - Christmas Break
Hello to All As of tomorrow I'm off up to North Wales for Christmas with my family. I make no promises about blog updates. I do have dial-up access, but it is painfully slow and I don't think that I'll endear myself to my family if I vanish...

- Back Online
Life is getting back to normal, and I have updated the blog with backdated articles - sorry it has been so long, and there is probably still more to come when I have finished trawling through everything. Thanks so much to the following for helping out...

