Travellers in Egypt Website - Status Update

Travellers in Egypt Website - Status Update
The Travellers in Egypt website has not been updated for a month due to the absense of its owner who has been a way for a spell. However, Marco is now back and will be posting new updates to the site in the near future - I will update the site with information about new articles when they are posted.

- "egyptological" - Online Magazine Update
Egyptological Magazine Site Status Kate has posted an update on progress with our online Egyptology magazine. I mentioned the word "hieroglyphs" to her a couple of weeks ago - and then I ducked for cover. I was going through my hieroglyph flashcards...

- New Website: Travellers' Graffiti From Egypt And The Sudan Apparently this site was quite new when it was pointed out to me over a month ago, but I never got around to posting about it so here it is, better late than never. Travellers’ Graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan is...

- Kv63 Update A very short posting from Bill Wilson, the KV63 website's webmaster, says that the Discovery Channel has announced that on June 4, 2006 at 9:00p.m. EST they will be airing a special feature about the site entitled Seven...

- Travellers In Egypt Website - New Articles I continue to be impressed with this website. Not only does it look good and have great content, but it is regularly updated with new material. The latest entries include: Thebes - its temples and great ruins

- Travellers In Egypt - Robert Hay The Travellers in Egypt website has been updated recently with an article about Robert Hay. A long and fascinating article, it discusses Hay's life in the context of his travels...

