Travellers in Egypt Website - New Articles

Travellers in Egypt Website - New Articles
I continue to be impressed with this website. Not only does it look good and have great content, but it is regularly updated with new material. The latest entries include:

The site is looking for contributors who meet their standards.

- Meeting Henry Salt - Narrative Of A Journey Overland Travellers in Egypt website has been updated with this piece written in 1830 by Mrs Colonel Elwood from Narrative of a Journey Overland from England, by the Continent of Europe,...

- Prisse D'avennes The Travellers in Egypt website has been updated with a verbal portrait of Prisse D'Avennes, who travelled Egypt in the late 1800s: "Of the hundreds of 19th-century Orientalists – those...

- Travellers In Egypt Website - Status Update The Travellers in Egypt website has not been updated for a month due to the absense of its owner who has been a way for a spell. However, Marco is now back and will be posting new updates to the site in the near future...

- Travellers In Egypt
Lotus and Pyramid: Constance - Constance Sitwell, 1928 "I am sitting on the window-sill in my room eating sugar-cane. It is so juicy and fresh one could go on nibbling at it all day....

- More From "travellers In Egypt" The most recent offering is an excerpt from "Orient Line Guide - Chapters for travellers by sea and by land" entitled "From Suez to Cairo" (London, 1890). It is a narrative description,...

