Beginners hieroglyphs - new study group

Beginners hieroglyphs - new study group

GlyphStudy Group

I mentioned that the GlyphStudy group were discussing the possibility of creating a new study group for beginners, free of charge. It has become clear that there is a very real requirement fora new beginner group, so the discussions are now focusing on which text should be use. This is a real opportunity for anyone who has always wanted to learn hieroglyphs but has struggled to do so alone. The GlyphStudy group has become a great community and many members contribute both advice and resources, as well as volunteering to submit homework.

Two previous study groups used Allen's Middle Egyptian, but it has been decided that a book targeted at beginners might be more helpful as a starting point before moving on to Allen. At the moment the two main contenders are the introductory courses by Collier and Manley and Janice Kamrin.

Send your first and last name (you may opt for an alias onlist, if you let the group's moderator know) and a current email address to our fabulour moderator Karen at [email protected]. Karen will then add you to the study section and send you an invitation to join GlyphStudy.

Once you are a member of the group you will be able to follow and join discussions (either receive emails or read messages online), and when the beginner group kicks off you will be able to join in. The list already serves the two existing study groups who are well into Allen (the 2005 group has nearly finished), so you will be able to see how the list operates when the new study group is operational.

For those who are already comfortable with hieroglyphs, when the 2005 group finishes working through Allen there are plans to start up a translation group.

If any of this sounds like a good idea have a look at the above page.

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