Blog Update

Blog Update

My broadband connection is down today (I feel as though I've lost a limb). Blogging by dial-up is not a practical proposition, so hopefully the "technical difficulties" that my ISP is experiencing will be resolved by tomorrow. I can't complain - my broadband service only fails about once a year, and it has never gone down for this long before.


- Still Technically Challenged
Apparently it's not a problem with my ISP (or so I'm told by a call centre operator who read from a script, almost incomprehensibly). I've changed broadband routers, and that's not the problem either. Next it's a matter of changing...

- Blog Update
Regular visitors will have spotted that I failed to update the blog either yesteday or this morning. I am having technical difficulties with a dial-up connection in Wales, for which my apologies. I will be back in London on Monday and will update the...

- Electronic Ancient Egypt Magazine Excellent news from Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine: The August/September issue of "Ancient Egypt" magazine is now available as an electronic version. The issue is available as a pdf file and a broadband connection...

- Back Again
I'm back in London, and have resumed my usual happy status of being cuddled up to my broadband connection. Catch-up posts are below, and normal service will be resumed as from tomorrow. I hope that those of you celebrating Christmas had a great time...

- Apologies!!
A complete technical breakdown in the wilds of rural north Wales, and I found myself without an Internet connection for four days - so apologies that the blog has not been updated since last week. I will update it today with news items from the last few...

