Blog Update

Blog Update

I have backdated the blog for the last couple of days - I've made it easy to find where the backdates start by posting a "daily photograph" of the Great Sphinx at Giza where they begin. Nothing particularly earth-shattering appears to have happened in my short absence.

Thanks very much to everyone who posted a comment or sent an email with the offer of photographs for the blog - I am immensely grateful and will be using your photos very shortly.

All the best, Andie

- 2011 Has Arrived
Hello to everyone. I hope that you are all living up to your New Year's resolutions! I will have no difficulty living up to mine because I didn't make any. Having said that, however, a serious diet is required - I ate like a horse whilst I was...

- Travel: Observing The Pilgrims
Living in Egypt blog (Maryanne Stroud Gabbani) I look at Maryanne Stroud Gabbani's blogs most days because they offer a great insight into her life in the rural outskirts of Cairo and Giza. Today she describes taking some visitors to the Giza plateau...

- Andie Update
As the blog is being maintained very efficiently by Ben this is not so much of a "blog update" as an Andie update! Hopefully I will be able to stop imposing so much on Ben in the next few weeks and start posting again so that he can use his valuable time...

- Blog Update
It is always my worst blogging nightmare that I will go away for a few days and that after weeks of relative silence from the world of Egyptology something major will erupt. I could have wept when I came back to my Inbox yesterday! However, it is great...

- Blog Update
Hi to All Please find the blog backdated until last Wednesday. They are easy to spot - all the new posts are located between today's Daily Photo and a place holder Daily Photo for Thursday with images from the tomb of Urirenptah. Thanks as usual...

