Blog Updates

Blog Updates

Just a quick note to say that my father came down to visit on Wednesday and is going back on Sunday. I thought I might have the time to update the blog but we have been so busy that I haven't had the chance and will probably not have the opportunity until Sunday or Monday. Nothing particularly interesting appears to have been happening in the world of Egyptology (or none that anyone is advertising!) but if anything earth shaking occurs I will post about it when it happens.

Thanks to everyone who emailed this week. We appreciate it.


- Blog Update
I'm away again as from tomorrow. going home for a visit to my father in north Wales. I'll be away for a week or so. I'm also collecting a new car and I may stay with a friend for a few days on the way back to London, so I'm not quite sure...

- Blog Updates
I have my father staying with me for the next week. I thought I'd find the time to update the blog but we seem to have filled every second of every waking day with plans, so it looks very unlikely that I'll get the chance to blog in the next few...

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge
A quick note to let you know that I am away for the next few days but will be back on Wednesday. Cheers to All. Andie. Abu al-Haggag Mosque, Luxor With many thanks to Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine Copyright Bob PartridgeEgyptology...

- Just A Quickie Re The Egyptian Towns And Cities Book
I'm not back in London yet but as Shire Books have emailed me re the legality (or rather illegality) of the link that we posted on this site I thought I'd better log in and do a quick update. I've updated the original post below, but just...

- Blog Update
There will be no updates tomorrow or on Sunday. I am off for a weekend with an old friend, and we have decided (I have no idea why) to visit Portsmouth. I have never been to Portsmouth, which is on the south coast of the UK. The only thing I know about...

