Blog updates

Blog updates

I have my father staying with me for the next week. I thought I'd find the time to update the blog but we seem to have filled every second of every waking day with plans, so it looks very unlikely that I'll get the chance to blog in the next few days. Apologies! I'll do some updates if I find a spare hour or two.

All the best

- Blog - Looking For A Solution To A Couple Of Problems
This is something of a cry for help. 1) I am sure that most of you have noticed that whenever I go away the blog ceases to be updated for a while because I simply cannot keep up with it. It takes a minimum of an hour a day to update, and when I'm...

- Blog Update - Christmas Break
Hello to All As of tomorrow I'm off up to North Wales for Christmas with my family. I make no promises about blog updates. I do have dial-up access, but it is painfully slow and I don't think that I'll endear myself to my family if I vanish...

- Blog Update
Hi to all UPDATE 1720: Done! Further to my earlier comments (below), I have now updated the blog, and will do so again tomorrow morning - but please bear with me next week. 0911: Sorry for the lack of updates for the last two days - I have been somewhat...

- Farewell To Sharon And Her Kv63 Blog is a true measure of how much we've all come to rely on Sharon Nicol's KV63 blog that the news that she is leaving Egypt to return to the U.S. inspired a flurry of emails to regret the fact. Sharon says that...

- A Short Note
Apologies for my absence for the last few days. I have updated the blog with the news from the 2nd February until today, and daily updates will be resumed as from tomorrow. Kind regards Andie Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

