Farewell to Sharon and her KV63 blog

Farewell to Sharon and her KV63 blog

It is a true measure of how much we've all come to rely on Sharon Nicol's KV63 blog that the news that she is leaving Egypt to return to the U.S. inspired a flurry of emails to regret the fact. Sharon says that she will keep the blog up for a little while, but will delete it after a little while. I've copied her message in full, in case there are people who don't get the chance to see her blog again before it goes:

"Hello world! Well, plans change, and now I’ll be going home really soon. So, this will actually be my last blog. I know that a lot of people read this, and I really have appreciated all of your comments and questions, so I felt that I owed it to everyone to say Goodbye. My time in Egypt has been an amazing experience – truly life-changing, and not just because I’ve been a part of this mission. I wish that everyone could have the same chance. Actually, I can't wait to get home. I love Egypt, but I miss my 'other life.' I’ll be leaving this blog up for a few more days, but then I’ll take it down. I know that Dr. Schaden will continue to update the official KV-63 website (http://www.kv-63.com/), so please check there for more news. Thanks so much for you interest! Sincerely, Sharon."

Wishing Sharon all the very best - she will be leaving a big gap, as much for her personal take on all things Egyptian and archaeological, as for the much-appreciated updates.

Thanks particularly to Jen Mason and Gary Maher for drawing my attention to her post.

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