KV 63 Update

KV 63 Update

Sharon from the KV63 site has been blogging again: "The coffins are a different story. There is a lot of damage (termites will do that!) and a lot of conservation has to be done. But, as we all know, the face on the first coffin is stunning. The other faces are nice, too, but that one is really beautiful. There are seven total."
See her full post for yesterday for more.

- Dangerous Eaters Of Wood
Thoeretical Structural Archaeology A fascinating insight into the damage that insects inflict on wood in archaeology. Examples are taken from various parts of the planet and there is a good description of the damage inflicted on the wood in KV63 in the...

- Kv63 Update
http://www.kv-63.com/pages/1/index.htmA short update has been posted at the above web address, the brevity of the news being due to the meticulous and time consuming conservation work that is taking priority at the site at the moment. The main news is...

- Farewell To Sharon And Her Kv63 Blog
http://www.karyben.blogspot.com/It is a true measure of how much we've all come to rely on Sharon Nicol's KV63 blog that the news that she is leaving Egypt to return to the U.S. inspired a flurry of emails to regret the fact. Sharon says that...

- Rumours And Slow Work At Kv63
http://www.karyben.blogspot.com/Sharon Nicols updated her blog yesterday, Saturday the 25th February, with details of some of the recent work at KV63, including how the storage vessels are going to be removed. She also mentions some of the conversations...

- Kv 63 Web Links
A round-up of some of the most useful resources for KV63 for those struggling to keep track of the most useful websites. Others will doubtless become available when the excavation has finished and the details become available for official publication....

