Rumours and slow work at KV63

Rumours and slow work at KV63
Sharon Nicols updated her blog yesterday, Saturday the 25th February, with details of some of the recent work at KV63, including how the storage vessels are going to be removed. She also mentions some of the conversations she overhears amongst the guides and the tourists at the site: "It’s been great fun to listen to what tourists and tour guides say about what we’re doing. Today, the rumor was that KV 63, the new tomb, was robbed in antiquity through a passage that had been cut from the tomb of Amenmesse (KV 10). That’s funny! I can honestly say that neither KV 10 nor KV 63 show evidence of a connecting tunnel!"
See Sharon's blog for the full post.

- Kv63 Website Updated Schaden has updated the KV63 website with the following short report: "Since the closing of KV10 and KV63 on July I6th I have been busy with reports to the SCA and a proposal for the 2007 season which will commence...

- Farewell To Sharon And Her Kv63 Blog is a true measure of how much we've all come to rely on Sharon Nicol's KV63 blog that the news that she is leaving Egypt to return to the U.S. inspired a flurry of emails to regret the fact. Sharon says that...

- Kv63 Blog Updated I'm sure that everyone interested in the activities going on in KV63 will be keeping tabs on Sharon's blog. In yesterday's post, on her day off, she set about answering some of the questions she has been asked...

- Kv 63 Web Links
A round-up of some of the most useful resources for KV63 for those struggling to keep track of the most useful websites. Others will doubtless become available when the excavation has finished and the details become available for official publication....

- Kv63 Blog

