Daily Photo - Abandoned WWII Truck, near Gilf Kebir

Daily Photo - Abandoned WWII Truck, near Gilf Kebir

Here are my own photographs of the abandoned car at the Gilf Kebir, about which I was whittering yesterday. It is located opposite the mouth of Wadi Bakht, near the eastern edge of the Gilf. According to Andras Zboray's excellent website, the vehicle is a 1942 Ford truck used in the Kufra Convoys. See Andras's page re the Kufra Convoys for more information about the routes used across the desert from Egypt to Libya during the Second World War (the site uses frames so you will need to go to the above link and then click in the sub-menu on "Kufra Convoys".

Click the small photograph to see the full image.

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