Daily Photo - Visible Earth

Daily Photo - Visible Earth

Staying with the theme of satellite imagery, today's photographs are taken from NASA's Visible Earth website. Each of the links under the photo takes you to a page of explanatory text about the image, and you can view the same image in different formats.


Egypt and Nubia, with sun glint off the Nile

Dust storm over eastern Sudan


- New Meteorite Impact Site Discovered
Science Daily A 2008 Google Earth search led to the discovery of Kamil crater, one of the best-preserved meteorite impact sites ever found. Earlier this year, a gritty, sand-blown expedition reached the site deep in the Egyptian desert to collect iron...

- Exploring Middle Egypt With Google Earth - Further Notes
Ogle Earth (Stefan Geens) In the rush to publish the previous post about my Middle Egypt KML trip report (I was also packing for a day just spent travelling) I forgot to mention several further points I had on my mental to-do list: * Google Earth + iPhone...

- Daily Photo - Last Set Of Satellite Photos
And yet more. I am rather partial to satellite views. These are from The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth website. The last lot, I promise! Click on the link beneath the image to go to the page where the full sized image is shown, together with...

- Daily Photo Archive
I was asked yesterday if my blog has an archive for the daily photos, which it doesn't. However, I have now added a hyperlink to the Links list so that when you click the Daily Photo link (third one down at the moment), you will find that all of the...

- Egyptian Remote Sensing Satellite Unveils Cairo Secrets
State Information Service Dr. Mohammad Argon, Director of the Egyptian Space Program said that a composite satellite photo was taken by the MisrSat-1 launched on April, 17, 2007. The photo presents the colors of the desert areas around Cairo, indicating...

