Egypt recovers Ptolemaic artefact from U.S.

Egypt recovers Ptolemaic artefact from U.S.

El Financiero

Egypt has recovered a sarcophagus containing the remains of a cat dating the the Ptolemaic era which had been in the possession of the Southern Illinois University in the U.S., according to Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni. The sarcophagus is made of bronze and is surmounted by two small feline statues, which were placed there to guard the remains of the sacred cat inside.

Egipto ha recuperado un relicario de un gato de la época ptolemaica (325 a.C.-30 a.C.), que estaba en posesión de la Universidad del Sur de Illinois, en Estados Unidos, informó hoy el ministro de Cultura egipcio, Faruk Hosni. . . .

Zahi Hawass, director del CSA, explicó que dentro del relicario, hecho de bronce y sobre el que se hallan dos pequeñas estatuas felinas, se guardaban restos de un gato, un animal sagrado en el Antiguo Egipto.

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