Entering the tomb of Tutankhamun with Lord Carnarvon

Entering the tomb of Tutankhamun with Lord Carnarvon

"Dr. Frank McClanahan wasn't exactly the superstitious type. As a medical missionary in Egypt, he was one of the first men inside King Tutankhamen's tomb following its discovery in 1922. Over several months, he returned five more times to gaze in awe at its golden treasures.
McClanahan served as personal physician of Lord Carnarvon, the British earl who backed the archaeological expedition. The nobleman's untimely demise -- four months after the tomb's discovery -- spawned rumors of a 3,000-year-old curse on those who disturbed the pharaoh's resting place.
Accidents, illnesses and mysterious deaths seemed to befall the archaeological party. A legend spread as newspapers reported the strange tales.
McClanahan didn't set out to disprove the curse of King Tut, but he did it anyway. All he had to do was enjoy a good, long life."

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