Exhibition: 120 Years of Spanish Archaeology in Egypt

Exhibition: 120 Years of Spanish Archaeology in Egypt


The exhibition '120 Years of Spanish Archaeology in Egypt' at the Cairo Museum is celebrating Spanish real-life Indiana Joneses to highlight their contribution to the research on ancient Egyptian history covering over a century of excavations.

The inauguration took place Monday in the presence of the Egyptian secretary of antiquities and eminent Egyptologist, Zahi Hawass, along with that of the Spanish Culture Minister, Cesar Antonio Molina, of the Order of Arts and Letters of Spain.

The exhibition, until June 6, gathers 137 greatly valued pieces, of which at least one cannot be forgotten: the enormous statue of Khamarernebty, daughter of Keope, which recalls the campaign of excavations, pioneering in their time, carried out by Count Vicente of Galarza in Giza in 1907. Funerary objects, furnishings, sarcophagi, ceramics and sculptures are testimony to the commitment of Spanish archaeologists in bringing to light the grandiose treasures from the thousands of years of Egyptian civilisation, which began in 1886 with Eduard Toga i Guell with the excavations of the tomb of Sennedjem in Deir el Medina and the Theban necropolis of Luxor.

The excavations have continued to the present day with the discovery of the tombs of Djehuty and Heri, again at the necropolis of Luxor, and the important discoveries that include the funeral chamber of the Pharaoh's high dignitary, with hieroglyphics, paintings and funerary jewellery.


Hawass describes the speech he made at the inauguration, which he introduces as follows (with photos):

On Monday, April 6th, in a gala evening at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, I joined H.E. Farouk Hosni, Minister of Culture of Egypt, and H.E. Cesar Antonio Molina, Minister of Culture of Spain, in inaugurating the new exhibition “120 Years of Spanish Archaeology.” I was honored to be presented during the ceremony with the medal of the Order of Arts and Culture of Spain. Spanish ambassador to Egypt H.E. Antonio Lopez Martinez and world-renowned actor Omar Sharif were among the distinguished guests who attended the festivities.

The evening opened with a sunset ceremony in the museum garden. A standing-room-only crowd made up of archaeologists, heritage professionals, and dignitaries gathered in front of the tomb of Auguste Mariette to hear speeches celebrating both the history and the future of Spanish archaeology in Egypt. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Spanish Minister of Culture Molina announced that Spain was presenting me with the medal of the Spanish Order of Arts and Culture. I am deeply honored to have received this distinction. The Royal Palace in Madrid sent a message, which was read on behalf of His Majesty King Juan Carlos I, stating that the award was being conferred on me in recognition of my achievements in archeology, along with the special relationship that I have built over the years with Spanish archaeologists.

See the above page for the full account of Hawass's speech.

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