III Congreso Ibérico de Egiptología

III Congreso Ibérico de Egiptología

http://tinyurl.com/n6c68 (tenerifenews.com)
"Spanish Egyptologists were in La Laguna last week to attend a congress hosted by the university, one of the few in Spain which boasts a department of Egyptology.
And it was the university’s plain-speaking professor of archaeology, Antonio Tejera Gaspar who grabbed the headlines when he took the opportunity to once again call into question the origins of the pyramids at Güímar.And though he discounted any direct linkage between the aboriginal inhabitants of the Canary Islands and the ancient Egyptians, a theory based on their love of mummifying their dead and which has gained ground in recent years, the professor admitted that an indirect relationship was possible. . . . The Congress was attended by some 120 Spanish Egyptologists and Egyptologists from Spanish-speaking countries."

There's a report about one of the more contraversial lectures, ¿Cómo eran los egipcios en la cama? in Spanish at:
http://tinyurl.com/nc9pz (elpais.es)

- Exhibition: Through Spanish Eyes
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El Aref) Spanish archaeology in Egypt began as early as 1886 when Spanish diplomat Eduardo Toda Y Gèell took charge of overseeing the excavation and inventory of the artefacts in the tomb of the 19th-Dynasty craftsman Sennedjem...

- Exhibition: 120 Years Of Spanish Archaeology In Egypt
ANSAmed The exhibition '120 Years of Spanish Archaeology in Egypt' at the Cairo Museum is celebrating Spanish real-life Indiana Joneses to highlight their contribution to the research on ancient Egyptian history covering over a century of excavations....

- Call For Papers For The Third International Congress For Young Egyptologists
Egittologia - Archaeogate Call for Papers for The Third International Congress for Young Egyptologists "Commerce and Economy in Ancient Egypt" - Budapest (Hungary), September 25 – 27, 2009. Call for papers. The "Third International Congress for Young...

- Xth International Congress Of Egyptologists
Thanks to EEF for the information that details for the 10th International Congress of Egyptologists are now available, as follows: International Association of Egyptologists: Xth International Congress of Egyptologists - The first announcement went out...

- More On The French Theory Re The Great Pyramid
http://www.sis.gov.eg/online/html11/o110924d.htm A bit more about the French request to auger in the Great Pyramid, as well as a brief report about the International Congress of Egyptologists in Grenoble, and plans to reform the International Association...

