More on the French Theory re the Great Pyramid

More on the French Theory re the Great Pyramid
A bit more about the French request to auger in the Great Pyramid, as well as a brief report about the International Congress of Egyptologists in Grenoble, and plans to reform the International Association of Egyptologists.

- Call For Papers For The Third International Congress For Young Egyptologists
Egittologia - Archaeogate Call for Papers for The Third International Congress for Young Egyptologists "Commerce and Economy in Ancient Egypt" - Budapest (Hungary), September 25 – 27, 2009. Call for papers. The "Third International Congress for Young...

- Egypt Says No Onsite Tests For French Pyramid Theory"The powerful head of Egypt's antiquities department Tuesday ruled out any onsite tests to check the veracity of a new French theory about the building of the Great Pyramid. 'It...

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- Xth International Congress Of Egyptologists
Thanks to EEF for the information that details for the 10th International Congress of Egyptologists are now available, as follows: International Association of Egyptologists: Xth International Congress of Egyptologists - The first announcement went out...

- Zahi Hawass On Ice9 Zahi Hawass has an article in Al Ahram Weekly talking about ICE9 and, amongst other things, the French presentation of their "discovery" of a new chamber in the Great Pyramid. In it he has a go at the International...

