Xth International Congress of Egyptologists

Xth International Congress of Egyptologists

Thanks to EEF for the information that details for the 10th International Congress of Egyptologists are now available, as follows:

International Association of Egyptologists: Xth International Congress of Egyptologists
- The first announcement went out in September 2006
- Deadline for the pre-registration: July 1, 2007
- Deadline for the submission of abstracts: September 1, 2007
- Deadline for the late registration: January 1, 2008
- Final announcement with complete programme and participants list: February 2008.
- Congress date: May 22-29, 2008
- Venue: Rodos Palace Hotel & Convention Center, Rhodes

Additional information will be available as from October 2006 at the following address: http://www.rhodes.aegean.gr/10ICE
Contact details are: [email protected] (Panagiotis Kousoulis), or
[email protected] (active from October 2006)

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