Exhibition: Tutankhamun exhbition opens at Highclere

Exhibition: Tutankhamun exhbition opens at Highclere

Newbury Today (Jane Meredith)

A NEW Egyptian exhibition was unveiled at Highclere Castle yesterday.

Invited guests had a preview of the Wonderful Things exhibition, which extends into a tunnel excavated by hand underneath the castle.

Lord Carnarvon said: “You feel as if you are in the Cairo Museum. We wanted to create our own version.”

The exhibits include 3,500 year old artefacts and reproductions of items uncovered by archaeologist Howard Carter, whose discover of the Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922 was funded by the present Earl's great-grandfather.

Among the treasures on display are an Egyptian vase discovered behind a garden gnome in the castle 20 years ago, a 3000-year-old calcite jar, a black granite statue of the Egyptian god Amun-Re and his consort Mut, and an Egyptian coffin given to West Berkshire museum in 1911 by the 5th Earl of Carnarvon. The exhbition also includes photographs and cuttings from the Newbury Weekly News' archives.

Also included is a reproduction of Tutankhamun's golden throne, model boats and the young Pharaoh's mummified remains, alongside original film of the discovery.

Visitors can peek through letter box flaps to view a recreation of his tomb, full of glittering treasures, to get an idea of Carter's exhilaration at discovering the tomb.

Paintings that lined the walls of the tomb have been painstakingly reproduced by Ashmansworth artist Eleanor Fane.

See the above page for the full story.

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