Hawass asks for Carnarvon artefacts to be returned

Hawass asks for Carnarvon artefacts to be returned

Times Online

Egypt’s most prominent archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, called yesterday on the descendants of the British aristocrat who found Tutankhamun’s tomb to return the remnants of his collection to Cairo.

Dr Hawass insisted that many of the objects displayed by Lord and Lady Carnarvon at Highclere Castle, in Berkshire, belong in Egypt.

Speaking opposite Lady Carnarvon on the Today programme on Radio 4 yesterday morning he said that the fifth Earl of Carnarvon, the current Earl’s great-grandfather, was only “really interested in making money and taking artefacts”.

Lady Carnarvon said that the collection included “small items which are of interest mainly for the story behind them” and invited Dr Hawass to see the collection. She said that it would be staying in England, where it could continue to inspire schoolchildren and visitors.

She added that the Earl had sold his estate to fund the excavations and emphasised his passionate interest in Egyptian tradition.

See the above page for the complete story. I had a hunt around the BBC website, and you can hear the interview on the Today archive page BBC website. If you click on this link, it will let you select an audio player, and to get to the section discussing the exhibition at the O2 in RealPlayer you will to drag the selector to 18:55, and to fast forward to the interview go to 20:33. As well as Hawass haranguing Lady Carnarvon for the return of artefacts, Lady Carnarvon mentions a new book which she has brought out about the fifth Earl.

Another hunt around, this time on the Highclere Castle website, and I've found a page dedicated to the book, entitled Carnarvon and Carter (by Lady Fiona Carnarvon). There's also a section focusing on the small collection held at Highclere. The latter section has photographs of items in the collection, which someone hasn't been able to resist showing in Flash, and an information frame which needs to be scrolled separately to see full details.

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