Göttinger Miszellen

Göttinger Miszellen

Contents Listing for the latest issue, number 206 for 2005 (contents for issues 204 and 205 from 2005 also listed on this page). Papers listed are written in either German or English.

- Gottinger Miszellen 215, 2007
Gottinger Miszellen no.215 (navigate to Publikationen in the left hand navigation bar) The most recent issue of GM is out now. The contents are listed on the above website as follows: Inhalt: Technische Hinweise KURZBEMERKUNGEN Blom-Böer, I.: Wie...

- Sahara Journal 2007
http://www.saharajournal.com/current/issue.html#Top_of_Page The Contents for Volume 18 (May 2007) of the journal Sahara are now on the above page, with abstracts. The papers focus on the archaeology and rock art of northern Africa, and are written in...

- Goettinger Miszellen No. 210
http://www.aegyptologie.uni-goettingen.de/GM/en/gm.htmThe latest issue of GM has been released - see the above site for more details. The Contents are as follows (thanks to EEF for this information): Contents: - Hein, K.: Der pavian im Boot: ein Deutungsversuch...

- Minerva
http://www.minervamagazine.com/index.html "A quiet revolution has swept through the offices of Minerva. In celebration of our pending 100th issue in November/ December, we are delighted to announce that henceforth Minerva will be published in glorious...

- Journal Of African Archaeology
http://www.african-archaeology.de/vol3(2).html The website for the Journal of African Archaeology is now showing the contents for Vol. 3 (2) 2005, due for release in December 2005. The full contents listing is on the above URL, but I have listed below...

