Gottinger Miszellen 215, 2007

Gottinger Miszellen 215, 2007

Gottinger Miszellen no.215 (navigate to Publikationen in the left hand navigation bar)

The most recent issue of GM is out now. The contents are listed on the above website as follows:

Technische Hinweise


Blom-Böer, I.: Wie aus einer Büste ein Öllämpchen wurde

Pasquali, St.: Des fouilles „discrêtes” à Ro-Sêtaou en 1931?


Castillos, Juan J.: The Beginning of Class Stratification in Early Egypt

Finneiser, K.: Ein Statuenfragment aus der 3. Zwischenzeit (Berlin, ÄM 15139

Grandl, Ch.: Das altägyptische Sprichwort in der internationalen Sprichwortforschung. Stand, Aufgaben und Bedeutung

Grossman, E.: Protatic iir=f sDm in the Report of Wenamun: a ’proto-demotic’ feature?

Koemoth, Pierre P.: Les onguents du rituel d’ouverture de la bouche à Dendara et à Edfou. Essai de formulation compareé

Moje, J.: Demotica Varia II

Nagy, A.: Meaning Behind Motif: Bes in the Ancient Near East

Scheele-Schweitzer, K.: Zu den Königsnamen der 5. und 6. Dynastie

Notizen zur Literatur

Groddek, D.: Zu den neuen ägyptisch-hethitischen Synchronismen der Nach-Amarna-Zeit

Schenkel, W.: rci + Pseudopartizip – eine nach-klassische Konstruktion?

- Report On Oirigins 3 Colloquium At The British Museum
Ancient Egypt (Juan Jose Castillos) Thanks to Juan Jose Castillos (Director of the Uruguayan Institute of Egyptololgy) for publishing his notes from the Origins 3 colloquium at the British Museum, which took place from July 28th to August 1st 2008. The...

- Online Articles By Peter Brand Thanks to Paula Veiga for sending me this link to articles made availble online by Peter Brand. “A Grafitto of Amen-Re in Luxor Temple Restored by the High Priest Menkheperre,” in G. N. Knoppers and A....

- Cahiers Caribéens D’egyptologie Feb/march 2007 The most recent issue of CCDE (No.10, February/March 2007) is now available. It can be purchased online at the above address, where a full list of contents, with abstracts is also shown. Articles are in French, Spanish...

- Göttinger Miszellen No. 212 very much to EEF for the information yesterday that Göttinger Miszellen no. 212 (2007) has appeared, and for providing the Contents listing: Broekman, G.P.F.: On the Identity of King Shoshenq Buried in...

- Goettinger Miszellen No. 210 latest issue of GM has been released - see the above site for more details. The Contents are as follows (thanks to EEF for this information): Contents: - Hein, K.: Der pavian im Boot: ein Deutungsversuch...

