Goettinger Miszellen no. 210

Goettinger Miszellen no. 210

The latest issue of GM has been released - see the above site for more details. The Contents are as follows (thanks to EEF for this information):
- Hein, K.: Der pavian im Boot: ein Deutungsversuch p. 5
- Becker, M.: Djefai-Hapi - ein Name mit langer Tradition? p. 7
- Castillos, J.-J.: Social Stratification in Early Egypt p. 13
- Derchain, Ph.: La clepsydre de la dernière nuit. p. 19
- Fischer, H.-G.: Marginalia IV p. 23
- Goede, B.: Haarpflege, Kosmetik und Körperpflege aus medizinischen Papyri p. 39
- Hohneck, H.: Hatte Thutmosis I. wirklich einen Sohn namens Amenmose? p. 59
- Jurman, C.: Die Namen des Rudjamun in der Kapelle des Osiris-Hekadjet. Bemerkungen zu Titulaturen der 3.
Zwischenzeit und dem Wadi Gasus-Graffito p. 69
- Ohshiro, M.: The Cradle period of Ancient Egyptian Culture - A Study of the Foreign Elements in the Pre and
Early Dynastic Periods p. 93
- Zauzich, K.-Th.: Ein wissenschaftsgeschichtliches Curiosum p. 105
- The Sommerhausen School of Demotic Studies p. 111 [Tutor: Prof Zauzich; for info: [email protected] ]

- New Issue Of Bmsaes
The British Museum British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan Issue 16: January 2011 See the above page for links to the articles, available free of charge as PDFs. The annual Raymond and Beverly Sackler Foundation Distinguished Lecture in Egyptology...

- Gottinger Miszellen 215, 2007
Gottinger Miszellen no.215 (navigate to Publikationen in the left hand navigation bar) The most recent issue of GM is out now. The contents are listed on the above website as follows: Inhalt: Technische Hinweise KURZBEMERKUNGEN Blom-Böer, I.: Wie...

- Göttinger Miszellen No. 212
http://www.aegyptologie.uni-goettingen.de/Thanks very much to EEF for the information yesterday that Göttinger Miszellen no. 212 (2007) has appeared, and for providing the Contents listing: Broekman, G.P.F.: On the Identity of King Shoshenq Buried in...

- Palarch January 2007
http://www.palarch.nl/Many thanks to André J. Veldmeijer for the information that the January 2007 issue of the free PalArch journal is now online at the above address.The issue includes in PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology:A.J....

- Gottinger Miszellen No. 208
http://www.aegyptologie.uni-goettingen.de/ Thanks to EEF for the information that the latest edition of GM is out. The website, however, has not been updated yet. Table of Contents:Peust, C.: Nochmals Kopf-Hieroglyphe p.7 Castillos, J.J.: The Place of...

