Gottinger Miszellen no. 208

Gottinger Miszellen no. 208
Thanks to EEF for the information that the latest edition of GM is out. The website, however, has not been updated yet. Table of Contents:

- Database Of Early Dynastic Inscriptions
Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster lona Regulski, Assistant Director for Archaeology/Egyptology, Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo The current database (which will be accessible to the general...

- Gottinger Miszellen 215, 2007
Gottinger Miszellen no.215 (navigate to Publikationen in the left hand navigation bar) The most recent issue of GM is out now. The contents are listed on the above website as follows: Inhalt: Technische Hinweise KURZBEMERKUNGEN Blom-Böer, I.: Wie...

- Göttinger Miszellen No. 212 very much to EEF for the information yesterday that Göttinger Miszellen no. 212 (2007) has appeared, and for providing the Contents listing: Broekman, G.P.F.: On the Identity of King Shoshenq Buried in...

- Göttinger Miszellen Contents Listing for the latest issue, number 206 for 2005 (contents for issues 204 and 205 from 2005 also listed on this page). Papers listed are written in either German or English.Egyptology...

- Interactive Hierakonpolis - Updated The excellent account of the latest excavations from Hierakonpolis has been updated at the Archaeology Magazine website. This issue focuses on the contents of Tomb 9, a Nubian C-Group...

