Hello from sunny Wales

Hello from sunny Wales

It really is sunny here today, and looks very beautiful shining over the Welsh foothills where there is a thick coating of snow on the moors near our house.

I just wanted to say a BIG thank-you to Ben and Kat for having done, and continuting to do, such a terrific job with the blog whilst I'm away. I am sincerely grateful. And It is lovely to be able to keep up with all the news from Egyptology without having to run around trying to find it myself :-)

I will be back in London in the next couple of weeks, and have reinstated the Not Egypt But Interesting widget which doesn't take much work or bandwidth to update. I hope to start contributing to the blog again in a small way next week at some point with some odds and ends that people have sent me, but I'm still not 100% sure when I'll be back. It will be nice to take up some of my old routines again.

Thanks to all who sent messages of support for me and for my family. And thanks again to Ben for taking on the job of updating the blog. Truly appreciated. There are lots of big hearts out there amongst you.

Best wishes

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