If the weather gives us a break we're off to Luxor today

If the weather gives us a break we're off to Luxor today

There's nothing like sending postcards before you've even left the country :-) .

I am hoping to fly to Luxor today although we are inevitably psyching ourselves up to spending the night at Terminal 3 thanks to the snow and ice. Oh joy. My house is surrounded my snowmen built by local residents, which are really pretty but something of a bad omen for travel!

Assuming that we actually get to Luxor I understand that there will be WiFi but just in case something goes wrong, this is just a quick message to say that I am not back now until early January and may or may not be sorting through emails or updating the blog between now and then. I'll find out when I get there so watch this space and if nothing happens please be assured that I'll backdate the blog when I get back to London, and reply to my emails too.

When we get back, assuming that we ever leave, my house will have been redecorated by a friend of mine who is house-sitting for me - scary to return to a new look interior! I picked out all the colours but you never know what it's going to look like until it is on your ceilings and walls. Thanks Terry - and don't party too hard until the paint is dry!!

I hope that those of you who celebrate it are ready for Christmas and that everyone has prepared a big list of all those New Year resolutions that most of us never manage to keep!

All my very best to everyone

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