Interview: The Rosetta Stone

Interview: The Rosetta Stone

702 ABC Sydney

An audio interview about the Rosetta Stone with Dr Karin Sowada, a former curator of the Nicholson Museum at the University of Sydney, in MP3 or RealPlayer formats. This is an informative item about the Rosetta Stone for those who have only a hazy understanding of this artefact, and is well worth listening to.

- Rosetta Stone Unlocks Egyptian History (Jason B. Jones) 1822: Jean-François Champollion shows a draft translation of the mysterious Rosetta stone and demonstrates to the world how to read the voluminous hieroglyphics left behind by the scribes of ancient Egypt. The story of the...

- Should The Rosetta Stone Go Back To Egypt?
Looting Matters (David Gill) Anyone who managed to miss the flurry of media interest and discussions in December and January about whether or not the Rosetta Stone should be returned to Egypt can find a summary of the situation on the above page. David...

- Book Review: The Rosetta Stone And The Rebirth Of Ancient Egypt
Bryn Mawr Classical Review John Ray, The Rosetta Stone and the Rebirth of Ancient Egypt. Wonders of the World. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007. Reviewed by Marc Pierce, University of Texas The Rosetta Stone, a stele with an inscription...

- Rosetta Stone Requested For Loan
The Art Newspaper The Egyptian government has made a formal request to borrow the Rosetta Stone from the British Museum (BM). A letter was sent last month by Dr Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities. . . . . Whether the loan is eventually...

- More From Dr. Hawass
Recently Dr. Zahi Hawass' wish list of objects he wants back in Egypt has grown by one more item, that being the important statue of Ramses II in in the Museo Egizio in Turin. In this interview with Dr. Hawass he tells his usual give us back the Rosetta...

