JAEI Volume 3 2011

JAEI Volume 3 2011

University of Arizona

Publisher: The University of Arizona. The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections (JAEI) is a wholly online scholarly publication integrating Egyptian archaeology with Mediterranean, Near Eastern, and African studies—providing a new venue for this growing field of interdisciplinary and inter-area research.

Review: Late Egypt and Her Neighbours: Foreign Population in Egypt in the First Millenium BC, by J.K. Winnicki and John Bauschatz, University of Arizona

Review: Minoan Kingship and the Solar Goddess: A Near Eastern Koine, by N. Marinatos and Gerald Cadogan, Culworth, U.K.

Review: Tree-rings, Kings, and Old World Archaeology and Environment: Papers Presented in Honor of Peter Ian Kuniholm, edited by S.W. Manning and M.J. Bruce, Pearce Paul Creasman and Bryant Bannister, University of Arizona

Review:Syro-Palestinian Deities in New Kingdom Egypt: The Hermeneutics of Their Existence, by K. Tazawa

Review: Metal, Nomads and Culture Contact: The Middle East and North Africa, by N. Anfiset and David Killick, University of Arizona

Review: Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean During the Old Kingdom: An Archaeological Perspective, by K. N. Sowada and Anna Wodzińska, University of Warsaw

Future Workshop: Alexander the Great and Egypt: History, Art, and Tradition, University of Wroclaw, Poland, November 18-19, 2011

- Jaei 3.3
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- Book Review: A Manual Of Egyptian Pottery
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- The Journal Of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
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- Journal Of African Archaeology
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